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6-1-2024 ─ What Happens After Death?

Published on 01 Jun 2024 / In Spiritual

After death then what!? Is death the finality!? Is there life after death!? It’s time to understand.

#death #afterlife #resurrection

Additional Info.
Wang, M., If We All End Up Dying, What’s the Purpose of Living?, 1 Aug. 2015.
Mirza, U., Immortality of the Soul, The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VI, 1912, pgs. 564, 565.
The Two Resurrections PDF -

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JamesRoss 23 days ago

The physical framework is maintained by our Creator-God so our kindergarten souls have a stable world to extablish our true colors. When a new soul is fragmented off of God, it is not known if it will be loving or wicked.
God places every soul in a multidimensional playground where many time-overlays are possible. Each soul is given many attempts to establish their worldview down many timelines. The Creator-God constantly maintains all aspects of physical-reality. Many timelines are cut short by fatal accidents and even assassinations by Freemasons. The consciousness of every soul is given a full lifetime to experience and repair wickedness of the unworthy.
Upon eventual death, the wicked and murderous souls discover that they are shriveled away and decaying with hatred and selfrighteous greed.
The loving and caring soul has learned to even love one's self... which reflects their love towards others, too. They will discover a worthy afterlife of new challenges.
The wicked, conspiratorial murderous thUg souls will realize all their skills developed to deceive and kill other people are useless skills, but their afterlife will become useless, too, since the Creator God has no need or use for such thUgs who souled-out their own genetics to the devils.
The wicked will not feel comfortable with the worthy perceiving their every wicked thought. They will find a dark spiritual box to hide away into... far from the loving activity found in the afterlife. The afterlife is the end for the wicked and is the beginning for the loving and caring

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