5-21-2022 - Are Two Able to Walk Together?
Church of Jesus Christ Online Ministries - 236 Views
Published on 21 May 2022 / In Spiritual
Delivered by Minister #leonardvjohnson of the #COJCOM - for May 21st, 2022.
It has come to my attention, that there may be some who are thinking I'm speaking about spouses. Not speaking about a spouse. Talking about someone who is a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ - or someone claiming to be. There are a great many people (as an example) on my "friends" Facebook friends list who are claiming to be of one mind and Spirit. But yet, do not demonstrate the Spirit of God (cf. 1st Cor. 2:4-5).
"You're Not Welcome Here!" - https://www.owensborocojc.com/2020/10/youre-not-welcome-here.html.
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