4yrs ago Covid Testing Drive Thru Busy Overworked carnage mayhem Warzone Heroes Jefferson University Hospital 4-14-20.mp4
4yrs ago Covid Testing Drive Thru Busy Overworked carnage mayhem Warzone Heroes Jefferson University Hospital 4-14-20

Buncha fcking assholes. "Stay home! People are dying!!!" But they all have time to learn new dance routines.
How about that travel nurse in NYC that sat in the hall & cried as she told us of how many ppl were being murdered for money during this fake pandemic?
Hospital in Anchorage put my son in an induced coma after a 4 wheeler accident "to detox" (he wasn't drinking OR on drugs) for 3 days (until they could find someone that needed his organs?) while telling the family not to go there; the doctor will let us know when he'd 'wake him up'. MY ASS. I went. Made his stupid obedient twin go too. He was not left alone until he was released. DO NOT TRUST THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY. THEY ARE STUPID CRIMINALS & GREEDY.