#328, Truckers For FREEDOM Canada Minus Trudeau, Mail In Voting 2020 PA UNCONSTITUTIONAL
Thank you for your support to Red Pill Ken PO Box 164 Lancaster PA 17608 or PayPal.me/RedPillKen. For GOD & Country We Are FIGHTING. http://solanconuts.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ https://amgreatness.com/2021/07/18/exclusive-audio-listen-to-january-6-detainees-sing-the-national-anthem/ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/retaliation-jan-6-prisoners-dc-gitmo-corrections-officer-called-name-shame/ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/project-veritas-undercover-video-reveals-disadvantaged-people-taking-excessive-covid-vaccines-tax-funded-gift-card-incentive/

Castro Jr.βs scared for his life because the truckers are winning. Get something like this done in America and politicians will cower.

To Me?? THIS IS BIG!! God Bless Our Canadian Patriot Brothers and Sisters!! IN OUR REAL WORLD, That Kind of Crowd at Ottawa...THAT SCUMBAG TRUDEAU...SHOULD >/> WOULD HAVE TO STEP DOWN!! BUT These DeepState SATANIC MOTHERFUCKERS Will NEVER..THEY WILL HAVE TO BE TAKEN DOWN!!!
I was begining to worry about Canada...I"M GOOD NOW!!!

Bad Eyes Ken?? Watch these 3 cups.....when They stop..Tell me which one has The Marble in it?? LOL

LOL I wonder what Daves doing Ken?? NB Boy...alias... letskobrandon hahaha