$3,000 Doggy Door- Insanity of “Smart” Devices (and SmartCities)
CES (Consumer Electronic Show) hit? A “Smart” doggy door for $3,000. But it’s not as dumb as the students and faculty of Harvard who want to take degrees away from alumni who supported Trump.
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Thanks David, Apparently Dlive is shaking in their boots or they are in Cahoots with the Censors. When I went to leave a comment on Dlive for the replay of your full show, it would not let me comment, a pop-up that said "Invalid Argument" popped up & would not let me place the following comment, obviously it must hit too close to the truth for them. COMMENT = "Thank You David, When the ADL Attacks they usually get what they want and you can be dern sure that's the face behind the censorship. they have infiltrated all sectors of society and until we expose their attacks on America, it will only get worse. "

But...... when Tesla introduces their “smart door” it will only cost $2k. ;-)

The bitchute wasn’t working for me.. only the short clips .... I am glad ? there is also this ugetube alternative!!!!!