2yrs ago PT5 Vaccine Brainwashing Psyop Propaganda Commercial Ads LIES on Steroids Covid-19 Mandates.mp4
2yrs ago PT5 Vaccine Brainwashing Psyop Propaganda Commercial Ads LIES on Steroids Covid-19 Mandates

watch starwars for understanding that widodo rama x soetoro was not thinking so much for getting social lift at gestapo

oliver batten est persuade d etre brillant francophone
au milieu des analphabetes de charles à oxford
chez le flic de havant et hasting

j ecrase batten en collant des claques dans la gueule de macron à 2500 $ à l elysee
regrde biden se battre our recuperer 100 000 $ au fbi
la petite suceuse de dalai lama volant le sac à main des juifs dans la voiture de la mgm
viens voir son petit russkof de segoland au 5e etage
suppose denoncer le juif à la police de benalla
pour creer un scandale ad hoc presume sauver batten
derriere lvmh et accor, continetal et disney
le petit pdeo de vanina en panique dans sa couche culotte remplie de merde

batten supplicates jude to spare him behind bernadotte
as though jude was sensitive to naive pedonazi feeling ...

there was small game between batten and dalai alam for robbing america disguised as 'illuminati'
dalai lama falsifies 'john turner"' avatar for masking batten
then wall street and hollywood suckers claim to be plugged to 'john turner'
meanwhile defending batten garbage and robbing jude
exposing why they refuse to directly deal with jude
for remotely robbing america
meanwhile keeping stolen passport in pocket
batten is weak pedonazi robbing mgm from brussels and switzerland
before suppying market to whole sea org squad promoting w garbage
meanwhile fbi fakes unanwarenes for getting fictitious job and promotion on market