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Nurses protest censorship of differing opinions on COVID - Rebel News

Daniel J Towsey
Daniel J Towsey - 549 Views
Published on 17 Apr 2021 / In Health

Members of the group Canadian Frontline Nurses, along with a few hundred supporters, staged a protest on Wednesday outside the downtown Toronto office of the College of Nurses of Ontario.

Since the start of the lockdowns in Canada, nurses questioning the ethics behind the Wuhan virus protocols have had their livelihoods threatened, and those who have chosen to speak out have been systematically weeded out.

Among them is Kristen Nagle, one of the founders of Canadian Frontline Nurses and speakers at the event.

Kristen and fellow Canadian Frontline Nurse, Sarah Choujounian, were both punished for publicly expressing their concerns about the rushed vaccine and the rapid loss of bodily autonomy. And when they took their speaking tour on the road to D.C. back in January, they were admonished for taking part in the "insurrection" movement.

They're now behind a class action lawsuit to hold the College of Nurses accountable for censoring nurses and forcing them to enforce cruel mandates that are not backed by science.

Simply put, those nurses who offer a contrarian opinion to the way in which Wuhan virus protocols are being enacted are being told to stand down and shut up — or face dismissal, and perhaps even the removal of their nursing credentials.

Just ask Kristen Nagle, one of the speakers at the protest. Kristen was in Washington, D.C. to deliver a speech back on January 6. Apparently, her egregious sin in the eyes of the London hospital she worked at and the CNO was being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Translation: she was ludicrously deemed to be part of the “insurrection” movement — even though she was nowhere near the U.S. Capitol that day.

Kristen was eventually fired for “wrong-speak” pertaining to such issues as the COVID-19 vaccine. Currently, the College of Nurses of Ontario is reviewing her actions and might even penalize her by stripping her of her nursing credentials, preventing Kristen from ever working as a nurse again.

But the demonstration was more than people venting about cancel culture. Indeed, Kristen announced that Canadian Frontline Nurses is now in the process of filing a class action lawsuit against the College of Nurses of Ontario. We wish them well. After all, the CNO seems to be less of a governing body pertaining to nursing these days, and more of a vindictive Orwellian organization that is completely intolerant of contrarian opinions.

Postscript: we reached out to the CNO for comment, but alas, the doors to their headquarters remained locked. It also appears that the “nurse-aucrats” at the CNO are all cowering with fear within their personal homes, given that the only sight of life we spotted at CNO HQ was a solitary security guard who was also too terrified to come to the door.

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Joel S Hirschhorn
Joel S Hirschhorn 3 years ago

Get the whole truth about pandemic mismanagement by Fauci; read Pandemic Blunder:
A huge amount of data and information not covered by mainstream media are in Pandemic Blunder that tells the story of how over 300,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 unnecessarily because the government has blocked early home treatment and prevention. With over 500,000 COVID American deaths, learning about safe and effective early home treatment/prevention is more important than ever.
About the Book:Pandemic Blunder contains considerable medical information and data to support a number of proven safe, cheap generic medicines and protocols that knock out the coronavirus when given early. Read about the pioneering, courageous doctors who have been using innovative approaches to prevent their COVID patients from needing hospital care and facing death. The book includes many expert opinions and Real World Evidence from doctors that show 70 to 80 percent of COVID deaths could have been prevented—and still can be. Don’t be victimized by disinformation and propaganda. Learn how corrupt forces are aiming to make billions of dollars from expensive medicines and vaccines, and how hundreds of thousands of deaths could have—and should have—been prevented! Detailed information is given to help people protect their lives by using simple prevention protocols, an alternative to vaccines.
Podcasts with author:
Book Review:
Amazon review from UK: Written without babbling and unnecessary information. It is all too easy for a lay person to get bogged down in data but this is written concisely and packed full of up to date information. A must read for anyone mistrusting of governments guidelines, misinformation and scaremongering. Excellent.
New recent articles by Joel S. Hirschhorn:
About the Author: Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn worked on health issues for decades. As a full professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, he directed a medical research program between the colleges of engineering and medicine. As a senior official at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and the National Governors Association, he directed major studies on health-related subjects; he testified at over 50 US Senate and House hearings and authored hundreds of articles and op-ed articles in major newspapers. He has served as an executive volunteer at a major hospital for more than 10 years. He is a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and America's Frontline Doctors.

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bookshop 3 years ago

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