.223 Remington, 62gr OTM (#Q3340) Winchester LE, Traning Only, Gel Test
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Test Gun: Zastava M85 Pap, 10" barrel, Stag Model 1L, 16" barrel,
Chronograph: Pro Chronopal Chronograph
Test Taken: 10 Feet
Round Used: .223 Remington, 62gr Open Tip (#Q3340) Winchester LE, Training Only: http://www.midwayusa.com/produ....ct/2900694199/winche
Gel Used: 10% Clear Ballistic Gel:
Calibration: 3 3/8" @ 588 fps
Velocity Video:
Temperature: 37.4°F
Humidity: 66%
Baro: 30.31"HG
Dew Point: 27.1°F
Elevation: 849 Feet.
Shot 1 from the 10" barrel impacted at 2,306 fps. I would say a full 16" occurred because there was a slightly bounce back trail.
Shot 1 from the 16" barrel impacted at 2,760 fps. Penetration depth was slightly over 11".
Shot 2 from the 16" barrel impacted at 2,801 fps. A full penetration of the block plus 1 jug. Bullet was not recovered :(
I'd carry this stuff :D
Camera(s): Canon Rebel T6S, Canon HF R500, GoPro HD Hero 3+ Black Edition, iPhone 7
Edited with: Adobe Premiere Elements 14
Audio: Zoom H5
Music: Intro Music Provided Royalty Free by Ritual Suicide Copyright 2013