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21Mar23 The Great Distraction: CBDC Slavery is Coming But Trump All Anyone Talks About

David Knight
David Knight - 356 Views
Published on 21 Mar 2023 / In

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

Fauci & DC Mayor Bowser go door-to-door pushing vaccines and NO ONE is letting him get away with lies — ESPECIALLY one man. Fauci tries to smear them by calling them "Republicans" saying "they don't want people telling them what to do". I don't think they're Republicans given the demographics of DC. But no wanting to be told what to do by our "Masters" is an American thing 3:06

Bird flu vaccine makers are preparing bird flu shots. They’re ready. 15:39

Bill Gates wants a global "fire department" to stop all future pandemics. It will probably look like the "firemen" from Fahrenheit 451 24:34

AI develops new cancer "treatment" in only 30 days. Should we call it Dr. Chat? They claim it can also determine life expectancy. Does it take TrumpShots into consideration? 31:03

Turbo testicular cancer in young athletes. From diagnosis to death in days 34:25

Aneurysms, another complication of the MMR vaccine. 39:44

California Hospital still letting transplant patients die if unvaccinated 42:51

DeSantis holds press conference about CBDC — and OFFERS A STATE SOLUTION. But no one cares about anything he says. They only want to know about what he will do about Trump 49:17

Trump goes nasty. The Underminer. Are his insinuations about DeSantis projection? 1:10:30

Ukraine’s Digital Transformation: a test bed for digital tyranny here and globally 1:23:25

85% of Trump supporters think protesting against the arrest is a “January 6th style trap”. Even the people who led MAGA into the J6 trap are saying it's a trap this time. 1:47:44

INTERVIEW Property, Liberty, & The Common Good. Alexander William Salter,, Economics Research Fellow with Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University, Associate Prof of Economics and associate editor of the Journal of Private Enterprise. Mr. Salter joins to talk about the current financial instability and how his two books look at the foundation of Western liberty and how to repair those failing foundations. His two books coming out this year "The Political Economy of Distributism: Property, Liberty, and the Common Good" and "The Medieval Constitution of Liberty: Foundations of Political Liberalism in the West". 2:01:54

Military officer goes to war with woman who opposed on Facebook a polysexual poster in school. 2:46:09

What is “woke?” Woman who wrote an anti-woke book can't define it in an interview. This is WHY I DO NOT USE THE TERM 2:52:20

Orlando Drag Show: Undercover agents say they saw nothing lewd at drag show. Time to get some DIFFERENT agents 2:55:35

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