2024 The Sky is Falling We're All Going To Die
Mayan Calendar, The Earth was going to end on The Winter Solstice December 21 2012 according to the Mayan long count calendar?
Music by Send Rain
This calendar cycle is 5125 years, they believe their have been 4 worlds prior to ours and we are about to enter into the fifth.
We had another “End of the world” event just twelve years prior, the Y2K event,
Seems like Bill Gates of Microsoft and Steve Jobs of Apple forgot to account for the year 2000 and all the computers in the world didn't know what to do with that?
All computers were going to crash at midnight leaving man back in the stone age. Turned out to be a dud.
So we averted Y2k but surly The Mayan Calendar would destroy us all?
On 12/21/2012 I was going t work early in the morning as I was wondering is anything major going to happened today?
As I was thinking asking God if their was anything to this Mayan Calendar?
About that time I saw one of the biggest most completely perfect rainbows I had ever seen in my life stretch across the landscape.
God let me know at that very minute that He was in charge, He is the one in charge of time and the end time events associated with it.
So just chill out and be about your ministry and watch it all unfold.
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