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2 Chronicles Chapter 30 | Pastor Anderson
Servis Flame Zone

2. Daniel - Chapter 1

Crossroadoftruth - 191 Views
Published on 28 Apr 2022 / In Spiritual

Daniel is one of the greatest prophetic books in the Bible. Like Revelation, is contains apocalyptic unveiling of future events, but also many of the most famous Bible stories and miracles of God. The most important predictions that Daniel makes is the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (to the exact year of 30 AD), and describes the times before the end of the Age, the rise of the Antichrist and the return of Jesus Christ to bring the Kingdom of God to earth.

In chapter 1, we weave current events into the main theme of the chapter which is quoted: "Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself"

What things are being demanded of you in the world today that would cause you to DEFILE yourself?
It’s easy for us to see Daniel’s wisdom with hindsight, but if you were alive then, would you have joined him?
Or would you have considered him a radical troublemaker, disobeying and not trusting the King and unnecessarily bringing persecution to himself over a minor matter?

For copies of the notes, go to

For Detailed Teachings on End Times Prophesy, go to:

Daniel, End Times Prophesy, Antichrist, mark of the beast, Jesus Christ, God, Bible, New World Order, Revived Roman Empire, Claus Schwab, Tribulation, abomination of desolation, purpose in your heart, defile yourself, Daniel in the lion’s den, fiery furnace, hand writing on the wall, King Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus the Great, Alexander the Great, Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, AbedNego

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2 Chronicles Chapter 30 | Pastor Anderson
Servis Flame Zone