1yr ago Canada Alex The Comic Covid-19 Vaccine Bill Gates Loves You & Just 2 Weeks To Flatten The Curve.mp4
1yr ago 8-30-21 Canada Alex The Comic Covid-19 Vaccine Bill Gates Loves You & Just 2 Weeks To Flatten The Curve

I think he hit it on the head.
They took the shot so now have to pretend they support it.
Also - a year ago? Ppl were not dropping like flies from the shots.
Many say the first batch was mostly saline, as they only did a couple months of testing, so we ARE the trials... & they needed a control group.
We ARE the control group.
In the U.S. ? Obama quietly changed the law to allow propaganda (LYING) to the American public.
& So many stupid ppl still think their government wouldn't lie to them. A dear friend told me (when discussing CNN & other msm), "They can't lie! They're held accountable!" I said, "BY WHO? Of course they can lie!" WE have seen it repeatedly.
LOGIC will tell you they lie.
Why do lawmakers NOT make it legal to purchase THE SAME but cheaper drugs from Canada?
Why do politicians back down to big pharma, vs looking out for us?
Why are we unable to SUE big pharma for lifelong damage they do to our children with their vaccines?
Big pharma pays for more ads during prime time TV & news than ANYONE else.
Big pharma pays for more campaign ads than ANYONE else.
Big pharma makes more political contributions than ANYONE else.
Big pharma pays for more lobbyists than ANYONE else.
Big pharma subsidizes more medical universities than ANYONE else.
Big pharma pays doctors for "authentic written articles" in Medical journals (Lancet, JAMA, etc).
More than 1/2 of pediatrician's total income comes from vaccines.
1 in 30 children are diagnosed autistic or noticeably on the spectrum now.
Autism was non existent before vaccines.
CDC recommends a total of 74 shots before entering school now. 6 decades ago, it was 3.
See Robert F Kennedy Jr - Children's Health Defense (probably .org)
Also written many books - 'the Real Anthony Fauci'