190: "Libertarians Should Vote for Trump" #ChangeMyMind w. Jon Schweppe
The question of the day is... Why are you letting this whole circus get to you?
It should go without saying, but I'm not voting for Trump. Apparently some of you have never listened to this show because when I posted the title of the episode, some people were legitimately angry and expressing disappointment with the suuuuper edgy headline... You must be new here... Welcome to The System is Down.
This is not an interview with a rabid crazy Trump supporter. This is a conversation with a friend of mine from high school, Jon Schweppe. If you're a libertarian and wrote me off instantly for that show title, then you are legitimately part of the problem. We need to stop getting triggered by headlines and start listening to people we disagree with and having conversations with them.
Politics aren't the goal. Freedom is the goal and politics are only a small tool to help push us towards the goal. When we let politics divide us, they win... But I don't need to tell YOU that. If you're dedicated enough to listen AND read this far, you already know what's up and you're cool. Good job, you.
Will Schweppe finaly #changemymind and sway me to the darkside? Find out now on today's bonus episode of The System is Down #190: "Libertarians Should Vote for Trump" #ChangeMyMind w. Jon Schweppe
Jon Schweppe: http://Twitter.com/jonschweppe
Question Everything. Stay Uncomfortable.
Let’s get weird!
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