#155, Q #1008, Why is Mueller going after 'Inside Plants'. Seth Rich. FBI Docs, Pages 134/135 HRC & Robert Mueller Ordered HIT on Seth Rich.
Thank you for your support to PayPal.me/RedpillKen or K. Lane PO Box 24851 Columbia SC 29224. For GOD & Country We FIGHT. https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/07/pretty-bi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ https://qagg.news/?q=Seth+Rich https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/07/fbi-seth- https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/07/new-video https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/07/predictab https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/07/attorney- https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/07/arizona-d https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/07/stanford-

Thanks for keeping me up on the latest.,,:) It's so damn hard to keep up with everything.

What a way to start the day I am enjoying you every morning since years and I am still curious and wanting to know more about the evil destructions these criminals are doing to all of humanity ThanQ brother RpK for keeping it up with real emotions and real facts I love you and love the patriot family God bless you all

Ken can you drop the link for that Trump speech video? ty

1:03:11 On his mantle there sits three heads, the far right one looks extremely ummm otherworldly.
Just found your channel here today, subbed to you. You pack a lot into one video, I am enjoying this, even if the information lays out like living in a nightmare, ahhh but that is 2021. On to finish watching, glad I ran into your works this morning.

Our Governor here in PA is Tom Wolf, and he's a total P.O.S.. PA Senator Doug Mastriano is the driving force behind our state's accountability in the 2020 election by pushing this audit to the forefront. He actually red pilled my wife when I couldn't, so I'm grateful to him for that.