#140, TRUMP Org. Face Deep State Swamp Charges Monday, As Arizona Audit Preliminary Report Expected Monday. John McAfee's Wife, Blames US Gov. for McAfee's Murder.
Thank you for your support to PayPal.me/RedpillKen or K. Lane PO Box 24851 Columbia SC 29224. For GOD & Country We FIGHT. https://gab.com/realdonaldtrump https://www.independent.co.uk/....news/world/americas/ https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/06/caught-ne https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/06/trump-org https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/06/damning-v https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/06/like-true https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/06/john-mcaf

GM brother RpK I am late with the news I was away hahaha taking some light listen don’t k wow if you heard that John mcfee had a unit in that Miami bldg which collapsed in the middle of the night when all resident were sleeping

Yes US Homeland security just happened to be in Spain the day before John McAfee was wacked, and then a US military plane picked him up or his body up, the day of his so-called suscide, get ready folks, the deep state is not happy with Americans not getting their killer jab, and their is going to be several false flags coming down the line, false flag for big gun grab of the A-15 rifle's, Talk about doing something big to divert attention away from what is fixin to come out with the Arizona, Ga, etc, audits. Just don't let them put fear on you and your family, Stay strong and the deep state killed the guy last week, that reported about the Clintons meeting on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch, he had been getting death threats and they had been threatning his family, he had to move several times, He was a good man, Biden, DS globlist and most of our gov are trying to threaten our military if they do not side with biden against any Patriot, Christian, Anybody who voted for Trump, Anybody who is agaisnt Marxist/communism, They are planning a military coup just like they did the gov coup on Jan 6, their final nail in the gov's coffin, we all lost our freedom that day, patriots are being held as political prisoners in solitary confinment with no charges of wrong doing, they are there because they were at the rally that day to support the reading of the voter fraud evidence and they voted for Prez Trump, Nancy P, DS Senators and others they bought off there and yes, Mike Pence was all in on the betrayal of the Patriots and D Trump and our own FBI was all in on the evil that day and they all planned with BLM and others to blame it on the Patriots who supportted prez Trump. biden has now fired head of border security that Prez Trump had in place and brought in his own person yesterday, And now he is doing nothing since yesterday, he is letting anybody coming in with no papers at all, all crimnals, drug smugglers, human and child traficking. When you want to destroy a country, you just let let 10, 000 cross everyday into that country with no id papers, no check or balances, no way to track these people once they are in your country, biden and harris is letting this happen cause this is the deep state globlist plan to help destroy America and now they are coming for our guns, how are we going to protect our own kids and families. From all these crimnals and murderes coming in through the border. Our freedoms and constition and country are slipping through our hands, Lord we need a miracle soon. It is 1776 all over again.

GM Ken and all... I'm finally caught up on the news after being on vacation. I see you're still bringing the cheese Ken, as always! It's great to be back, GODSPEED!!

Yep, looked very controlled demolition building 7-ish to me as well...