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11/28/2022 -- An Amazing day! Mauna Loa erupts in Hawaii -- UPDATE -- lava flow off North caldera

The Analyst (New Real Media)
Published on 29 Nov 2022 / In News and Politics

READ THIS! No one is making me say this, and no the gov didn't "get to me" lol.. I think this eruption is "noteworthy" but not anything end of the world-ish.

It's not a nothingburger, but it's also not a full 7 course meal either. Its more like a big mac and some fries I'd say. :) LOL @ that description

I'm not trying to downplay it, but its also not exactly the worst case scenario.

Currently, the lava flow is coming out of the North side of the peak of the caldera, but as I show in the video, its literally no mans land where the flow is heading.

Unless side flanks open, or something very serious happens, this eruption appears (currently) to be less than the 1984 eruption in size, and in flow amount. THIS IS GREAT NEWS!

Now we can all oogle and awe at it without anyone getting hurt, or loss of property ... there may be a few lava bed roads to the observatory that need fixing, but no homes that I can see.. no subdivisions, and nothing in the way to redirect it.

Furthermore ( I stand by this 100%) this eruption is not nearly large enough (currently) to reach Hilo or anywhere close to it... plus it appears the path would take it first towards Mauna Kea, then possibly even WEST until it fans out (or reaches the ocean up on the NW coast by Puako).

If I had to guess now, I would say it would flow North by Northwest and out to the NW coast if the flow goes on long enough.

The only thing up there on the NW coast that I can see is a "landfill" of trash that could be covered if the flow goes that far. Otherwise, so far so good (all things considered).

Several viewers asking me if they should cancel their Hawaii plans, and I told them no... you can just send the tickets to me if you don't want to go! lol... I'm giving the thumbs up to going and having fun if you have plans.

If anything changes I won't sugar coat it, and will update as necessary.

If you're a tourist or local there , and you see this video.. I encourage you to observe this safely from afar, get lots of video and pictures!!!!!!!!! This is a lifetime event to see, and it's not really dangerous to you unless you get up close to the lava and glassy ash...

So stay away from the lava flow lol.. don't be a stupid tourist like the people at yellowstone.. don't go swimming in boiling pools or go around taunting bison... you get the idea, you know what I mean.

Observe from afar and try to get as many pictures as possible!

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