1 in 3 heat related deaths attributed to global warming
Till now, proven effects of global warming on human health have only been limited to heatwaves, droughts, and wildfires. Future impacts were thought to be dependent on curbing carbon emissions, which had reached a record high in 2019 .But a team of 70 experts has published their research in Nature Climate Change, which concludes that 37% of all heat-related deaths could be attributed to global warming. The data has been collected from 732 locations in 43 countries, evenly spread across all inhabited parts of continents. The experts claimed that if their research were to be extended across the world, the climate change death toll would be 100,000. The numbers are considered to be lower than the real toll because there hasn’t been enough data collected from South Asia and Central Africa. In countries like United States, Australia, France, Britain, and Spain the average heat-related deaths lie between 37-39%. In Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam, and Chile, it was more than 40%. For Brazil, Peru, Colombia, the Philippines, Kuwait, and Guatemala, it was 60% or more. India accounts for one-third of the tally in an analysis published by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluations (IHME), in The Lancet. It was not the increase in average summer temperature that caused more deaths but the duration of heatwaves, humidity levels, and nighttime temperatures.