1-21-21 Q Psy-Op Exposed Anomaly Qanon trump election.mp4
1-21-21 Q Psy-Op Exposed Anomaly Qanon trump election

The truth is always in the middle. Therefore, analyzing both sides of a story would be needed to form an opinion. An opinion based on researching who is behind the story, money involved and agenda of those involved, etc. I am only hearing one side of a story which by this young mans narrative could apply to the other side of the story. MSM, social media outlets and even our government are a psop as well according to the historical comparison. The most important part of the analysis, is body language - actions speak louder than words. Some of us have been around long enough to see the media’s actions change from day-to-night in the last 4 years. Social media is a great tool if those using it can have decent conversation and leave the cancel culture attitude at home. Summary: I’m betting on Americans to do their homework and make an informed opinion of their own.

I do 100% believe that the Election was a fraud. If there is a method legally to remove Biden if states lied and defrauded the American people then by all means something will need to be done.

I agree I have felt deep down that Q and X22 have been BS. I am over it. America Wake up the communists are fucking us all over while your false hope is blinding you. Trump showed us the cards now vote out the sellouts and replace them with true patriots.