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Dr Christine Northrup on CovID Vax
Patrick Budrionis


njthemarksman - 431 Views
Published on 05 Oct 2021 / In Spiritual

REVELATION 13:18 “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

The worship of the world is not Jesus Christ, it is the drug sorcery of Babylon and the Old Dragon: America is Babylon, the Dragon is China. Greek word for Drug Sorcery is PHARMAKEIA. Who has trusted God alone and refused false gods, even into the temple of their body?

How many are tainted with the genetics of the fallen angels Satan, the old Lucifer (false light bearer), with the trans-humanist devices of the TECHNOCRATIC NEW WORLD ORDER of the Antichrist? Who has been infected with the DNA changing power of the enemy of God who bite the arm of everyone dull of mind and spirit with needle-like serpent fangs?

The mark of the Beast, the Beast is the world system, the world empire, the image of the Beast is a false, fallen intelligence made in the image of fallen man: the false man, a machine, an A.I.!

Knowing the Mark of the Beast takes WISDOM, and by accident many have chosen for lack of discernment to then know not to take the Mark of the World System, the worldly system is a giant, interconnected Beast of technology made up of many nations with many heads all agreed as ONE NEW WORLD ORDER!

This game is OVER!

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Dr Christine Northrup on CovID Vax
Patrick Budrionis