There Is An Unfolding Crises On The United States Southern Border. Train Loads Of Illegal Male Migrants Are Arriving And They Are Not Being Stopped.
There Is An Unfolding Crises On The United States Southern Border. Train Loads Of Illegal Male Migrants Are Arriving And They Are Not Being Stopped.

North America is being set-up as a NWO battle-grounds by the Luciferian-Cult(Freemasons usually) who run the politics, police and military for every country around the world.
When I was in the Yucatan I had Luciferians attacking me there.. then in Belize, then in Guatemala... Don't think for a second that anyplace with cellphone towers is not digitally brought into their NWO takeover.
If you use your cellphone video and see light spots floating through the screen, then you are under "celdar surveillance".
Nano-tech is the tool of the NWO takeover. If you stop the digital communications, then you hinder your local NWO takeover-thUgs.