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The Vatican is Rome's Legacy (The "Divining Serpent")

JamesRoss - 151 Views
Published on 11 Jan 2025 / In People and Blogs

The Serpent magically divines the creation of Artificial Intelligence and calls it a god, but is just a computer... So Ai worshipers are called Luciferians as Homo capensis serpents pretend to divine the soul of Lucifer into physical reality. The "vessel" of soul containment is the quantum computer. It is all a lie, but the Freemasons made this their "Great Work." All Freemasons swear blood oaths to seek Lucifer's fake-light. But brainchips and microwave towers keep all Luciferian minions mentally tied to Ai mind control.

The brainchip pretends to remove the consciousness from the body and transfers it to the Ai... hence the A-eye on the back of the US debt-dollar note.

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