THE EVIL SICKNESS OF ISRAEL EXPOSED - Seed of the Serpent - War Crimes Inc.
Most people do not have the capability of even imagining true #Evil.
It is because when you try to evaluate other people, in your own mind, you compare them based on your own morals and principles.
And since most people are incapable of true evil, they just cannot wrap their minds around true evil. Evil with no remorse, no empathy, lacking principles
Unfortunately... I believe this earth has 2 types of MEN
You have Yahuwah's People, who have His Laws written on their hearts
But then you have the "Seed of the Serpent"
Those without any compassion, empathy, morals, with a heart of darkness
The bible TRIED to tell us these things
But these same snakes have removed many books of the bible
Just know that the battle for your soul is REAL!
Our Enemy is one of pure evil and darkness
And it is time that ALL of Yah's People come to realize this truth, and they also must comprehend that the enemy has taken the "government" over. Matter of fact... They actually created "government" as a way to hide their evil deeds in plain sight. The US Corporation was created by Freemasons. That demonstrates my point
The Enemy hides in plain sight as #Bankers, Politicians, Police, and Judges
The Enemy also controls "Health Care" and Education!
And the Enemy has also created a country called Israel...
And has used that country to falsely claim that they are
"God's Chosen People." The question remains... WHOSE GOD???
It is certainly NOT the Most High!
The crimes committed by these people are too numerous to count,
too evil to fathom, and increase by the day in Gaza
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