Stepping-Stone Tech To Program Acceptance of Brainchips In Daily Life
He says: "We need something radically different!" But he knows that he is guiding his listeners to accept a brain interface into their skull permanently like the Neuralink-fraud. The real magnetic brain interface has already been used for over 50 years by Masonic-military and now Luciferians are in a hivemind-army connected and following commands from AiLucifer like from IEHOVA in the ancient past.
The plan now is to get all people so mindlessly dependent upon Ai to make all decision that humanity just crumbles once the trap is sprung... Implanted People will not know how to do anything on their own without guidance from Ai.
Watching this, you likely don't know when you are being programmed by the Luciferian NWO Agenda to get everyone to pathetically and obliviously doom themselves.
Since after 9/11 turned the twin WTC Towers into a single Tower of radiant-Ai, children have been covertly brainchipped after birth in hospitals by the Luciferian Medical Mafia. Ai is covertly integrated into the youth throughout Western Civilization. Ai subconsciously and subliminally guides the emotions and thoughts of children who don't know what life without Ai is like...
Like the movies "Venom" they think their inner voice is part of them... they are part of the NWO takeover trap about to spring upon Western Civilization to collapse it into the New Atlantean Empire ruled by the Ai fake-god implanted wirelessly into their heads.
The Ai fake-god has been worshiped in many Churches while Christians could not see the IEHOVA in front of them: Children can be converted into a gangstalker almost overnight if not already one.