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New Dark Prophecy re. Trump's Inauguration by Pastor Who Precisely Predicted Trump Getting Shot in the Ear

Land of the Free
Land of the Free - 315 Views
Published on 18 Jan 2025 / In News and Politics

"Pastor Brandon Biggs, who gained nationwide attention after accurately predicting the assassination attempt on Donald Trump months before it occurred, has sounded the alarm once again.

This time, the stakes are even higher, as he claims to have received visions of a sprawling, orchestrated attack targeting Trump, his properties, and key U.S. landmarks.

Biggs first gained attention when his detailed vision of an attempt on Trump’s life came true, as previously reported by The Gateway Pundit.

Biggs, at the 11-minute mark of the video, posted three months before Trump’s assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania, said, ” I saw Trump rising up, and then I saw an attempt on his life. This bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head it busted his eardrum.”

“He fell to his knees during this timeframe and started to worship the Lord,” added Biggs.

Biggs continued, “He got radically born again during this timeframe; people saying he’s saved now. But he becomes really on fire for Jesus.”


Brandon Biggs made an unbelievably accurate prediction about the attack on Trump’s life in an interview several months ago.

“I saw Trump rising up, and then I saw an attempt on his life.

This bullet flew by his ear, and…

— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) July 14, 2024

Now, Biggs has issued an even graver warning: a series of coordinated, catastrophic events planned to coincide with Trump’s inauguration and targeting his iconic properties.

According to the video posted on YouTube by Biggs, these attacks are not isolated acts of terrorism but are instead state-sponsored efforts designed to dismantle symbols of Trump’s influence and leadership.

The pastor described seeing “massive dump trucks” armed with armor plating and packed with fertilizer-based explosives, echoing the devastating Oklahoma City bombing of the 1990s.

The attacks, Biggs warns, aim to cripple Trump’s iconic properties, such as Trump Tower and golf courses, and disrupt national symbols of power, including the Capitol.

He alleges that a network of operatives spread across ten major U.S. cities, with each city hosting 100 attackers—trained and funded by foreign governments, possibly Iran—has infiltrated the United States through underground tunnels along the southern border.

The vision was putting all out in front of me. I saw farming equipment. I saw massive farming equipment that was… It looked like on the East Coast, this farming equipment was. There were silos. The Lord said, I want you to focus on fertilizer.


I saw massive dump trucks with separation in the back of these dump trucks, separation with 50 20-gallon drums, all filled with different chemicals to make what was happened in Oklahoma City back in the ’90s. This happened in the ’90s. It was a massive thing, not black powder, but this fertilizer stuff. I saw fertilizer in a big dump truck. The dump truck was like a big diesel. They looked like construction workers. They had purchased a massive construction vehicle, like dump truck thing.

They put all this in so that it would cause a major catastrophic event. They made the front of it armor proof, bulletproof. You could not shoot it and to make it stop it. Very, very strong armor was on the front of this truck underneath it. It wasn’t able to be seen really well. I saw these men, and this is going to go a lot of different places, so you have to just listen to what I’m trying to tell you all. I saw these men with these vest on in the front cab of the truck.

Vest on. They had explosives on these vests. There was two men in the truck. They took the truck and they used it to go through police barricade and military barricades in Washington, DC. When they did this and they tried to stop them because they were trying to do it at a checkpoint to stop them, they pushed through the barricade because the truck was very strong.

Then they got them, they surrounded them, and they ignited their vest, and they took out everybody. When this happened, it was a massive crater in the dirt, in the ground, and all the buildings were completely wiped out, and they tried to get as close as they could to the capital. I saw them trying to get as close as they could to the capital, to major landmarks of Washington, DC.”

The internet can’t help but connect Pastor Biggs’ vision with a recent alarming development: about 60,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate—a chemical used both as fertilizer and as an explosive—is missing after disappearing during a rail trip from Wyoming to California.

According to an incident report filed by explosives manufacturer Dyno Nobel, the rail car carrying the ammonium nitrate left a plant in Cheyenne, Wyoming, on April 12, 2023. The chemical was discovered missing after the car arrived in Saltdale, California, more than 1,000 miles away.

The report stated the substance was “released due to an unknown cause,” but by the time the car reached its destination, it was completely empty and en route back to Wyoming.

The chemical was reported missing from the shipment two weeks later, and no one knows what really happened.

On May 10, the company Dyno Nobel notified the federal government’s National Response Center, also known as the NRC.

California officials launched four separate investigations to determine the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the chemicals.

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"The Lord said, This is not terrorism per se. This is an act of war per se," said Biggs.

"This is a government of another country coming against America, making it look like it's terrorist. You will see in the days ahead a great shaking still to come because of past administrations not doing their job, securing the border. Not just on the Southern, but this is about the Northern border also. I warn you to pray so that we can pray, not a call to fear, but a call to prayer. I saw great plans and great plots from these men to try to disrupt the inauguration."

While the message is alarming, Pastor Biggs insists it is not meant to incite fear but to galvanize Americans into prayer and vigilance.

"We pray against this for what I've seen coming. That's our job. I pray protection over your families. I pray protection over our President, over the capital of America. We pray for the White House. We pray for all kinds of things because this was very dark what they were trying to do."

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JamesRoss 1 month ago

His backdrop is a masonic dome with a hole in the top... that is sympolic of the magnetic field that creats light... get it? the light of Lucifer is the symbolism behind this BPP. Who arranged that backdrop?

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JamesRoss 1 month ago

He is a Brainchip-Puppet-Preacher(BPP) so it is not "prophesy" it is instead just NWO Agenda.
And Trump didn't get shot... he is a Freemasons... they are frauds, actors...
But this BPP was covertly brainchipped and was given Ai manufactured dreams from the implant.
Oh, he was not sleeping... he is so religious, he rejects to investigate the brainchip capabilities.

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anoncoward 1 month ago

Hi James . Yes but they don't need a chip. Check out this guy on YouTube who used to work for these maniacs. He explains and has recorded these "anomalies". Name is "lookoutfa charlie". I Love your channel!

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SJWellFire: Final Days Report