Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Jan 23, 2025, South TX Weather; Hoax by Bullets; Trump; Milk
*** South Texas (Gulf states) Weather - weather weapon tests?
*** No homicidal gas chambers and Zyklon B DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY - no POOF theory. Leuchter Report really wasn’t necessary - Fred walked into the alleged gas chamber, laughed and declared, homicidal gassings couldn’t have happened there - could have then gone home. Prussian Blue staining samples resulting in the Leuchter Report did NOT win over the judges at the false news trial in Canada 1988.
*** Holocaust by bullets (einsatzgruppen and executions).
"THE CASE OF THE EINSATZGRUPPEN (from DID SIX MILLION REALLY DIE, no longer available at ihr.org): The Wisliceny statement deals at some length with the activities of the Einsatzgruppen or Action Groups used in the Russian campaign. These must merit a detailed consideration in a survey of Nuremberg because the picture presented of them at the Trials represents a kind of "Six Million" in miniature, i.e. has been proved since to be the most enormous exaggeration and falsification. The Einsatzgruppen were four special units drawn from the Gestapo and the S.D. (S.S. Security Service) whose task was to wipe out partisans and Communist commissars in the wake of the advancing German armies in Russia. As early as 1939, there had been 34,000 of these political commissars attached to the Red Army. The activities of the Einsatzgruppen were the particular concern of the Soviet Prosecutor Rudenko at the Nuremberg Trials. The 1947 indictment of the four groups alleged that in the course of their operations they had killed not less than one million Jews in Russia merely because they were Jews. These allegations have since been elaborated; it is now claimed that the murder of Soviet Jews by the Einsatzgruppen constituted Phase One in the plan to exterminate the Jews, Phase Two being the transportation of European Jews to Poland. Reitlinger admits that the original term "final solution" referred to emigration and had nothing to do with the liquidation of Jews, but he then claims that an extermination policy began at the time of the invasion of Russia in 1941. He considers Hitler's order of July 1941 for the liquidation of the Communist commissars, and he concludes that this was accompanied by a verbal order from Hitler for the Einsatzgruppen to liquidate all Soviet Jews (Die Endlösung, p. 91). If this assumption is based on anything at all, it is probably the worthless Wisliceny statement, which alleges that the Einsatzgruppen were soon receiving orders to extend their task of crushing Communists and partisans to a "general massacre" of Russian Jews. It is very significant that, once again, it is a "verbal order" for exterminating Jews that is supposed to have accompanied Hitler's genuine, written order -- yet another nebulous and unprovable assumption on the part of Reitlinger. An earlier order from Hitler, dated March 1941 and signed by Field Marshal Keitel, makes it quite clear what the real tasks of the future Einsatzgruppen would be. It states that in the Russian campaign, the Reichsfüher S.S. (Himmler) is to be entrusted with "tasks for the political administration, tasks which result from the struggle which has to be carried out between two opposing political systems" (Manvell and Frankl, ibid., p. 115). This plainly refers to eliminating Communism, especially the political commissars whose specific task was Communist indoctrination.
*** Trump
*** Jared Taylor - Trump Off To a Good Start with Illegals, Jan 22, 2025 -
*** https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/worcester-schools-immigration-ice-agents-bus-stop/
Worcester schools immigration policy: In the wake of that announcement, Worcester Public Schools sent a letter to families reminding them of the district's policies and procedures should any federal immigration agencies, like ICE, arrive at schools or places students where are under the district's custody, such as bus stops.
Superintendent Rachel Monarrez said WPS will not coordinate with ICE and will not allow agents into facilities without a warrant signed by a federal judge. [...]
*** Trump, Birthright Citizenship Challenged, Jan 22, 2025 -
*** ‘Professing’ Christianity? True believers don’t say it that way -
*** DISGUSTING: Female Dyke Bishop spews marxist poison -
*** Agent131711’s Substack - MILK -
*** Natural News - What Causes Sickness, Jan 18, 2025 - https://old.bitchute.com/video/MFJTzdQvZBM3/