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How to resist torture or interrogation using SERE Resistance Wartime Tactics

Tackleberry Solutions
Published on 03 Dec 2021 / In Firearms

How to resist torture when you've been captured during wartime. If you do this right, you can lead your captors into an ambush and escape.

You are going to talk. It is just a matter of time. No one can resist torture 100% without breaking eventually. The key here is to give you time to escape and your family, team, community, etc. enough time to relocate and/or change vital information before you talk. 3 days should be your goal.

However, there is a way that you can talk in such a manner that it sets up your captors for an ambush and gives you a chance to escape.

Click here to enroll on our S.E.R.E eCourse and discover more wartime tactics on How to Resist Torture and How to Escape:

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