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George ~ A Tribute to the Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment and the Ferret Scout Car, Song by John Edmund

For Ourselves And Our Posterity
Published on 04 May 2023 / In Music

We must learn the lessons of Rhodesia. We must protect good, successful, prosperous Western Nations composed of Our People. The wonderful Rhodesians held off Marxists Terrorists funded, supplied, supported, and encouraged by the Soviet Union, Communist China, and North Korea. However, the worst blow was when they were stabbed in the back by Closet Commies in the West, who used anti-White Racism, Racial Jealousy, and Europhobic Bigotry to stoke opposition to Rhodesia, all while gaslighting and virtue signaling about apartheid.

From John Edmund: "Old cars take longer to rust than the new ones, they also take longer to be forgotten….JE
The Ferret armoured cars had been in service with Rhodesian Forces since WW2. I remember the Ferrets escorting our convoy at the Congo Border in 1960. I noticed all the cars had names so I christened ours “George” and I can’t think for the life of me why.! In memory and proud legacy of the Ferret!"

Other Comments:
"The anti communist car theme song"

"The fact that this guy went and made a love song to his favorite obsolete armored car fills me with happiness"

"A great scout car and a great song too, but not so ancient in the seventies John. 4,409 were produced between 1952 and 1962 and they remained in British Army service until 1991, seeing action all over the world. The Central African Federation (1953-63) bought 30 of them and when the Federation fell apart Zambia, Malawi and Rhodesia each took ten Ferrets. They were deployed by the Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment in 4 car troops of two Ferrets and two Elands (South African version of the French Panhard AML90) and were a significant asset in the bushwar."

George can take a track
With Troopies on his back
Carrying the packs and ammo
Doesn't look so mush
When he rumbles through the bush
Even seen him climb a Gomo

Takin' us along
Watchin' over you and I
Home is far
But the wheels on the tar are a lullaby
Buddy you know how it feels
Listen to George
Listen to George
And his singing wheels

Just the other day I heard somebody say
George is a mighty old Ferret
I think he's gonna find he'll have to change his mind
When there's fire coming out of the turret

Takin' us along
Watchin' over you and I
Home is far
But the wheels on the tar are a lullaby
Buddy you know how it feels
Listen to George
Listen to George
And his singing wheels

Ambush in the trees makes me shaky at the knees
Ever been revved in a Landie?
Gives me peace of mind when George is in the line
His fire-power's mighty handy

Takin' us along
Watchin' over you and I
Home is far
But the wheels on the tar are a lullaby
Buddy you know how it feels
Listen to George
Listen to George
And his singing wheels

Takin' us along
Watchin' over you and I
Home is far
But the wheels on the tar are a lullaby
Buddy you know how it feels
Listen to George

Takin' us along
Watchin' over you and I
Home is far
But the wheels on the tar are a lullaby
Buddy you know how it feels
Listen to George
Listen to George
And his singing wheels

Info on the military unit:
"The Rhodesian Armoured Corps, nicknamed the 'Black Devils' — was the only standing armoured battalion of the Rhodesian Security Forces. During World War II, it took part in the Allied Spring 1945 offensive and the Battle of Monte Cassino as part of South Africa's 6th Armoured Division. The unit was among the first to enter a liberated Florence in July 1944.

After Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence, maintaining the armoured vehicle fleet became a responsibility of the Rhodesian Light Infantry until Major Bruce Rooken-Smith reactivated the former Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment in 1972. During the Rhodesian Bush War, the regiment fought in several major campaigns and battles, particularly Operation Miracle in September 1979."

It's Okay to Be White
White Lives Matter
Diversity is a Code Word for White Genocide
Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-White
Make Zimbabwe Rhodesia Again
Make Rhodesia Great Again
End Eurocide
Fight back against Europhobic bigotry

Oppose Those Who Would Defame Our History and Rich Cultural Heritage. Stop Eurocide. Fight back against Europhobia and Anglophobia.

Say NO to White Genocide
Multiculturalism is the Replacement of European peoples

We Can't Restore Western Civilization With non-Western Babies
We Have a Patriotic Duty to Stop Genocide Against our People

We Must Secure the Existence of our People and a Future for White Children
Because the Beauty of the White Aryan Woman Must Not Perish From the Earth

Video by Brothers of Conquest

John Edmund ~ George ~ Tribute to the Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, Photos ~ RrvXTIT2yJ0.mp4

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6 Comments sort Sort by

Bear Cub
Bear Cub 1 year ago

Fun song! Well done. Tells a story while being musically interesting.

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Ian Smith
Ian Smith 2 years ago

Rhodesians were very creative, and we use some of their events is today still.

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White Lives Matter 1776

Listen to George…

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Larry Thorne
Larry Thorne 2 years ago

A big thanks to John Edmond, for preserving the great history of Rhodesia in song.

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Evelyn Dieckhaus
Evelyn Dieckhaus 2 years ago

The Rhodesians were very clever with how they modified vehicles, and used older vehicles. They were not just good fighters, they were intelligent people.

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