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Florida blue hair child rapist gets free fights food and shelter from Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd on our taxes!

HospitalityReception - 129 Views
Published on 03 Feb 2025 / In Kids

Sending child rapists to spend time on our taxes with other child rapists does not solve the problem or stop child abuse.

The children are NEVER returned to both of their biologically interested parents. Instead they are bounced around to the next foster parent fraud which is usually a perv police or other taxpayer funded terrorist to abuse the children with parental loss.

Grady Judd refuses to return our children stolen by pervs to both biologically interested parents.

This child rapist will now be protected from real justice through the misuse of our taxes at jew owned detention centers.

Florida exports known named child abusers to California, Oregon, and all other parts of the world.

After this child rapist gets a free flight protected by pigs on our taxes to his home, he will get some medical care, free food, free shelter, and then released in a couple months. The rest of us are driven from our private property, our children and home stolen by invader child rapist police ( ) and if we tell the truth about it we are tortured for years watching the pervs like this get out right away on OR.

This one example with blue hair is nothing and there are niggers, spics, and jews abusing your children all day and night every day in every part of Florida right now. We report it and the police do nothing because they are also the ones raping and murdering your children while attacking their left behind parents.

Still better in Florida than the rest of the US.

More save children hoaxing by child rapist SWAT teams

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