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Come out of Babylon

Follower of Christ777
Published on 11 Jan 2025 / In Spiritual

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The video was produced in the outskirts of Cebu City, the Philippines on Sabbath, December 28, 2024.

In the Bible, we read of God’s warnings to His people to COME OUT of a certain situation before God will eliminate or destroy the entity of which His people were found in.

Revelation 17 and 18 speaks of Babylon as a woman or as a great whore. A woman in Bible prophecy represents a church or a community of believers in Christ Jesus according to Revelation 12:17. However, the woman described in Revelation 17 and 18 is considered as a great whore or an impure, evil woman or impure, evil church.

This woman or great whore is arrayed in scarlet and purple in Revelation 17:4. The Roman catholic church’s cardinals and bishops are arrayed in scarlet and purple respectively when you look at their vestment: scarlet for cardinals and purple for bishops. This same woman or evil church holds a golden cup in her hand according to Revelation 17:4. Roman catholic prelates hold a golden cup in their hands during their worship services’ communion.

In Revelation 17:5, God calls this evil woman, impure church or great whore as: Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

This mother of harlots is a mother church that has harlot daughters. This mother church is none other than the roman catholic church of which came out harlot daughters including the Orthodox church in 1054 as part of the great schism and the Protestant churches starting in 1517.

These harlot church daughters came out of the mother church, the roman catholic church, while observing doctrines that are identical or very similar to the doctrines of the roman catholic church such as public weekly SUNday rest and worship, xmas, easter, none of which are commanded by God in the Bible.

God’s third angel’s message in Revelation 14:9-11 is a critical end time angel’s message that says that the beast, which is the Vatican in Revelation 13;1-10, 17 and 18, has a mark and that whosoever accepts the mark of the Vatican beast will go through the wrath of God or His last 7 last plagues in Revelation 16 because the world’s citizens, whose names are not found in the Lamb’s book of life, shall worship him...the pope as per Revelation 13:8 by accepting the pope’s mark rather than worshipping God in spirit and in truth, which is God’s first end time angel’s message in Rev 14:6-7.

The Vatican says that its mark is as follows: “Sunday is our MARK of authority […] The church is above the Bible, and this TRANSFERENCE of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact”. — Catholic Record of London, Ontario.  Sept. 1, 1923.

Further, the Roman catholic church’s Catholic Press confirms that “Sunday is a Catholic institution and its claim to observance can be defended only on Catholic principles .... From beginning to end of Scripture there is not a single passage that warrants the transfer of weekly public worship from the last day of the week to the first." — Catholic Press, Sydney, Australia, August, 1900.

Thus, satan’s great deception of transferring the public day of rest and worship from God’s 7th day Sabbath to SUNday makes SUNday worshipping Christians, unbeknownst to them, worship a different ‘god’ rather than the Creator on His appointed and commanded of rest and worship: His 7th day Sabbath.

Thus, the false system of worship in today’s Christian churches does not honour God and that’s precisely why God is calling humanity including SUNday keeping Christians to come to the true worship of Him in John 4:23-24 and Revelation 14:6-7.

With only a few years left before Christ’s return, as your brother in the faith, I implore with you to put Christ first in everything and to obey God’s warning as Lot did to COME OUT of Babylon, to come out of the fallen professed Christian churches which follow a false, non biblical system of worship and which tolerates sin, which separates you from God.

COME OUT of Babylon, COME OUT of your fallen church with her false system of worship and her tolerance for sin and come to the true Christ of the Bible. Follow Christ’s sayings, His parables, His holy ten commandments of love and His end time prophecies and become true new creatures in Christ by leaving Babylon, by repenting of your sins and be converted to Christ as per Peter’s beautiful words in Acts 3:19.

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