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Canadian Exports Liquified Natural Gas To NWO Flagship-China While Alberta Land Fracks and Flares

JamesRoss - 240 Views
Published on 21 Jan 2025 / In News and Politics

Masonic politicians fill the pockets of the brotherhoodwinker-corporations... And the NWO advances.

The claim is that it Canadian taxpayers don't own any infrastructure.  All being sold out from underneath... like what happened to Venezuela.  The NWO will directly control Canadians' energy resources.  In case you don't see it coming... the NWO Freemasons are selling everything out in Canada from under the birth-right-sheeple's complaints and control.   But Canadian chattle are so mix-matched with differing ethnic groups over the last 50 years that joining together as a people's voice against the secret communist-governance is most difficult  many foreigners cannot effectively speak English, I have witnessed.

Seventy years ago workers would strive hardships to develop better working standards and public control of their futures.  Today, the Freemason secret communists in political authority are selling out the people to foreign interests.  All the profits go a bit into the government wages and foreign corporations' pockets.

In contrast, look at what Norway did compared to Venezuela and Canada:   Listen to this guy... playing video games, complaining... not knowing the Freemasons are the secret communists pilfering his birthrights.  Knights Templar are the highest of the Freemasons degree pyramid of control.  Canadians just cannot find the time to properly de-brainwash the Masonic brainwashing from public schools and universities, then re-educate themselves as to how the world is really working and who is really in control... Homo capensis commands Freemasons who now listen to Ai directives with their brainchip-hivemind.  Yes, just keep playing your video games rather than using the internet and critical thinking to see through the scams.  

Bank of Canada had 1000 tons of of reserve they have zero gold.
One of the few Central Banks around the world that is publicly-owned where Canadian Projects can be funded at zero interest... is ignored, trusting the Masonic communist running government.

Why is Canada so resource-rich with extremely poor sheeple? Because the sheep do not want to take control of their own futures... they want the treacherous Freemason genocidal thUgs to do that for them so they can complain.

Carbon into the atmosphere was never a real NWO-concern... as Masonic corporations flared-off fracked unwanted sour gas reducing precious reserves to keep Canadian people from freezing.

Northern Alberta natural gas collection will no longer be just for keeping North America heating affordable and in plentiful supply.

"Shut up you goyim slaves... you registered your guns and now they are ours in a few weeks..."
In a few years this is what communist-kanada will be telling taxpaying sheep.

The $2.4 billion paid by taxpayers and Masonic NWO-interests... but the small floating dock is First-Nations Owned...  what bs...  It is NWO-Masonic owned paying lip-service for deception of the sheeple.   Looks like Kitimat is shutting down their aluminum mine output and turning into an overseas energy-shipping port.


Youtube just cut me off from downloading their video minutes after posting this on bitchute... or was it cloudflare surveillance that did it... what this means is evidence that cUlt-Ai monitors bitchute content, too, and can block you from downloading from other sites it "the internet-police-cUlt" does not like your exposing the their secret-plans too early in their 2030 agenda.

Alberta natural gas goes out of canada while the freezing of Canada is planned by the NWO, Freemason politicians.

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