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5G Powered Graphene Based Nano-Tech in the Pfizer Vaccine, Reese Reports

Peace Terrorist
Peace Terrorist - 701 Views
Published on 02 Feb 2022 / In Health

5G Powered Graphene Based Nano-Tech in the Pfizer Vaccine

resource posting here,

This latest Greg Reese video about the findings of La Quinta Columna (the Fifth Column) is of interest for both the injected and the non-injected, because we all need to know what is in them and their potential effects. Those who are able to survive the procedure may find they are no longer in control of their own will.
The Fifth Column recently published their findings and conclusions on the strange, self-assembling nanotech they discovered in the Pfizer mRNA vaxxines via optical microscopy analysis.
The objects they found in the vaxxine correspond with known items in the scientific record and the conclusion they come to seems quite clear: that the well-documented scientific goal to use nanotechnology in living human beings to form networks capable of controlling several nano machines is currently being deployed in the CoV-19 vaxxines, which amounts to the most intrusive assault against humanity in all of recorded history.
read more at above link.

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2 Comments sort Sort by

proudusagirl01 3 years ago

DARPA admits HCQ and Ivermectin are effective treatments aganist Covid. However doctors in US had their medical license revoked for "spreading Covid misinformation" and treating patients with Ivermectin. Doctors who go aganist the narrative are under investigation for daring to speak out against the Biden Regime and for daring to question Big Pharma. They want to block every way possible to reach people for cheap and alternative treatments. You can get your ivm by visiting

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LittleSparrow1 3 years ago

I wish Infowars can supply links to all of the info they report on.

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