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2024 Toyota Tacoma ROAST

Pocono Tactical
Pocono Tactical - 100 Views
Published on 22 Jan 2025 / In Cars and Vehicles

Politics has everything to do with this. These safety regulations were dictated by unelected bureaucrats. Not passed through congress.

The auto manufacturers should have been fighting this in court. All they had to do was delay it long enough for Democrats to get out of power.

ATF bureaucrats tried to do the same thing in the gun community but the gun manufacturers fought them in court. Trump's bureaucrats are now going to reverse all the ATF regulations.

A budget AR-15 costs $500 now which is cheaper than when Obama was in office. Not only are they cheaper, but they're also better. The price of everything does not need to go up. The price can go down and things can get better.

#toyota #tocoma #tocoma2024 #truck

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David Simmons
David Simmons 23 days ago

Why not just buy one that is a bit older and take care of it. You admitted you beat your horse and got rid of it. Now the maker caught up with you and you got an electronic nightmare. I say get an older one, and don't beat the hell out of it. I say it's time for you to get smarter. But I do appreciate the video.

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